Do you plan for unexpected expenses? Don’t get caught unprepared when budgeting with expenses you may forget about. This free printable will help you remember to add to your monthly budget if needed.
Once you have your Monthly Budget completed you will need to recreate it each month. Sometimes there may be additional budget items that are easily forgotten. Every family will have different expenses they will need to add.
Once you realize you can plan for all the unexpected expenses you forgot in your budget they will not be unexpected anymore. This is a little different than your emergency fund expenses. These are the small things that creep in every month, like gifts, extra gas, etc.
This monthly expense list Cheat Sheet will give you ideas for each month that you can incorporate to create a more accurate budget.
Examples of Definitions of Unexpected Expenses by Collins Dictionary:
Also, no matter how careful the plans, there will always be unexpected expenses.Christianity Today (2000)
I have had unexpected expenses and wonder if you could help in any way. The Sun (2013)
You should add about 10 percent to your budget for unexpected expenses. Times, Sunday Times (2014)
How to Plan for Unexpected Expenses with List.
Let’s start with each month as a guide of listed items that may occur for your family. Being prepared is your best defense. Below you will find the extra costs that you can add to your budget while creating it each month.
Monthly Expenses for January
- Gym Memberships
- Organizational Tools like New Planners
- Set up New Sinking Fund
- Create Holiday Budget
- Create a New Vacation Fund or Goals
- Monthly Birthday or Anniversary
Monthly Expenses for February
- Valentines Day
- Birthday or Anniversary
- Big Game Day Party
Monthly Expenses for March
- Spring Break
- Easter
- Preparing for Taxes
- Birthdays or Holidays
Monthly Expenses for April
- Summer Vacation Expenses
- Birthdays, Anniversary, or Holidays
- Easter
Monthly Expenses for May
- Weddings
- Graduations and Teacher Gifts
- Mother’s Day
- Birthdays and Anniversaries
- Memorial Day Weekend Events
- Outdoor and Gardening
Monthly Expenses for June
- Father’s Day
- Birthdays and Anniversary
- Home Repairs and services such as Air Conditioning
- Summer Vacations
- Summer Camps
- Extra Summer Child Care
Monthly Expenses for July
- 4th of July
- Summer Camp
- Birthdays and Anniversary
- Sun and Lawn Care
- Swimming Pool Care
- Higher Utilities
- Extra Summer Child Care
- Preparing for Christmas Budget
Monthly Expenses for August
- Back to School Supplies
- Back to School Clothes
- Birthday, Anniversary and Holidays
- Last Minute Vacations
- Extra Summer Child Care
- Back to School Haircuts
Monthly Expenses for September
- Labor Day Parties
- Back to School Fundraisers
- Birthday and Anniversary
- Winter Clothes
Monthly Expenses for October
- Halloween
- Fall Events and Activities
- Birthdays and Anniversaries
Monthly Expenses for November
- Black Friday Sales
- Holiday Travel
- Holiday Food and Items for Entertaining
- Holiday Cards
- Birthdays and Anniversaries
- Holiday Giving
Monthly Expenses for December
- Giving and Donations
- Stocking Stuffers
- Holiday Entertaining Food
- Winter Travel
- Birthdays and Anniversaries
- Holiday Clothing
- Office Parties
Planning Ahead to Reduce Stress
As you make your monthly budget each month don’t forget to add in these extra costs and unexpected expenses. Some of these items may need to be added to your sinking fund.
When thinking of these additional expenses don’t get overwhelmed. Think of ways to earn some extra cash to cover all expenses, or plan a garage sale twice a year.
You are not expected to spend extra money each month, but this additional monthly expenses list will help you in planning your budget with any unexpected expenses if needed.
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